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Pattern Repeats - without using Photoshop!

On this page you will find patterns I have created using only my Samsung Galaxy S4 and Android Apps.  I have tried, and keep trying, to learn how to utilise Photoshop properly, but it's like grappling with a grizzly bear, and the grizzly bear is winning.  

So, instead I turned my concentration on trying to find a way to create repeat patterns on my mobile phone.  This obsession turned into a series of tutorials on my Wordpress blog titled 'Not Quite Photoshop...but close".

 I hope you enjoy looking at my designs.  These, like all my other designs, are available to commission or purchase, just drop me a line and I will only be too happy to discuss your requirements with you! 
Use the arrow keys to scroll.  To stop scrolling, just move your cursor away from the arrow.  To see a larger image, simply click on the smaller one.



​​​© 2013 AlyZen Moonshadow.  All rights reserved. ï»¿â€‹

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